About Us

We claim expert status in map production. Our people have been dealing in production of maps and related activity for 30-plus years.

In that time, some of the tasks we have been asked to perform include:

  • Wall maps of rural districts showing rural roads and property owners’ names. These have been frequently requested by agricultural contractors, rural transport operators and the like.
  • Wall maps of a specific farm and immediate surrounding land. These have often been requested by the farm operator and have been particularly useful in directing contractors, employees and others when their services have been required on the farm.
  • Maps of whole provinces, or part thereof, made to fix to an office wall.
  • Map directories (book form) that contain indexed maps of rural districts or of the whole of the province. These show rural road and property owners’ names.
  • Wall maps showing aerial views of holiday homes, baches and cribs located in some of our picturesque holiday locations that we are privileged to enjoy in New Zealand.
  • Many varied maps made for a specific purpose by land owners throughout New Zealand.

While most of our customers are predominantly rural, we have the ability and technology to assist with maps for all areas within New Zealand.

Please contact us if you wish to discuss any mapping requirements you may have.